Student Services Office

Discipline Office

Discipline at Anthony Elementary School

Mission Statement

To support students' and teachers' ability to "Do their best, "Do what's right" and "Treat Others the Way They Want to be Treated" in a safe and orderly learning environment. This is achieved through building positive relationships; rewarding positive behaviors; implementing interventions and taking firm, fair, consistent and progressive corrective action when necessary.

The Big 3:

Students are expected to follow the Big 3 expectations while on campus, learning in the classroom, riding school transportation, in the lunchroom and participating in school-sponsored activities. The Big 3 Expectations are:

1. Do Your Best

2. Do What's Right

3. Treat Others the Way You Want to be Treated

These expectations are taught and reinforced throughout the school year in our morning announcements, teacher expectations in the classroom and posted throughout the campus as a reminder for students. Please encourage your students at home to follow the Big 3.


Anthony Elementary School takes pride in being a school that focuses on character education along with academics. The positive actions of students will be rewarded. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to discipline children for misbehavior. Teachers are responsible for modeling the Big 3 Expectations for all students. And students are responsible for making good choices and following the Marion County Student Code of Conduct. Please review this document with your student so they know what is expected of them at school. Contact Samatha Bennett, Student Services Manager/Dean for any questions or concerns.


The following is a list of interventions we may use to correct student behavior (in no particular order):

~Verbal Correction

~Private Conference with student

~Change seat

~Behavior Contract

~Parent Contact

~Refer to Guidance

~Time out

~Conference with Student Services Manager, Mrs. Ford

**Teachers are not limited to or required to use all the steps before writing a discipline referral.**


A student's failure to respond to attempts made by the teacher and parents to change or correct any misconduct will result in a discipline referral being written and sent to the Student Services Office. Anthony Elementary follows the Marion County Code of Student Conduct when a child is sent to the office for disciplinary issues.